Chef Dean Cultural Cuisine

Chef Dean Cultural Cuisine

5.0(1 review)


Chef Dean is an Escoffier honors graduate and a graduate from the Sushi Institute of America in LA. Cooking professionally since 1996, a few of his finest achievements include an ACF Escoffier Silver Medal as well as receiving an invitation to cook a private dinner at the Governor’s mansion in Denver, CO. His most recent experience includes working his way up the ranks at the Four Seasons five diamond hotel in Scottsdale. Since 2019, he has been working as a personal chef, preparing fresh meals for clients such as professional athletes and prominent figures in the community. Chef Dean has always had a passion for cooking cultural foods and he enjoys seeing the delight from friends, family and clients when he cooks for them. Chef Dean loves learning about unique cultures and incorporating the authenticity of the ingredients into the meals he cooks for his clients. His greatest joys in life are spending time with his wife Tricia, and his two children, Kaela and Lance. He is the kind of chef who believes in lifelong learning and making great tasting cultural cuisines!

As United States Personal Chef Association Member we take great pride in providing the best possible service, and we strive to go above and beyond to ensure every client is satisfied. You can rest assured that you have invited a trained professional chef into your home.


Hired 2 times
3 employees
3 years in business
Serves Phoenix , AZ

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Venmo


Dietary restrictions

Vegetarian or vegan, Gluten free or celiac, Dairy intolerant, Nut allergies, Other dietary restrictions

Meal preparation location

Meal prepared onsite, Meal delivered

Meal preparation frequency

Only once, A few times per month, Weekly, A few times per week

Budget per person

$50 – $75 (mid-range), $75 – $100, More than $100 (premium), Customer is not sure

Cuisine types

American - casual, American - formal, Italian, Southern, Mexican / Latin American, Mediterranean / Middle Eastern, Asian, French, Barbecue

Which meal

Cocktail hour / hors d'oeuvres, Dinner, Dessert



Level of service

Standard (basic ingredients), Premium (high end ingredients)

Event type

Brunch / dinner party, Holiday meal (Mother's day, Valentine's day, etc.), Shower (baby, bridal, etc.), Special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), Regular meal

Number of guests

6 – 10 guests, 11 – 20 guests, 21 – 35 guests

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    patricia L.

    Chef Dean is a wonderful experienced chef! We hired him for a dinner party for 16 people. From start to finish, Chef and his staff were professional and organized. They made this entire experience easy and fun. The food was excellent! The service was great! Looking forward to having Chef Dean for another dinner party in the future.
    ... Show more
    January 15, 2024

    Services offered

    Personal Chef