Chef Russell Arnold

Chef Russell Arnold



Chef Russell Arnold has trained under Michelin star chefs from around the world. He started as a line cook early in his career. His talent was quickly recognized so he was promoted to eventually lead a tasting menu restaurant as the executive chef at TRP Taste in Florida. Most recently he has been a private chef where he creates custom menus and is responsible for delivering a gourmet experience to clients. He earned his undergraduate degree in culinary arts and hospitality management from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale.


1 employee
8 years in business
Serves New York , NY


Dietary restrictions

Vegetarian or vegan, Gluten free or celiac, Dairy intolerant, Nut allergies, Kosher, Halal, Other dietary restrictions

Meal preparation location

Meal prepared onsite, Meal delivered

Meal preparation frequency

Only once, Monthly, A few times per month, Weekly, A few times per week, Daily, A few times per day

Budget per person

More than $100 (premium), Customer is not sure

Cuisine types

American - casual, American - formal, Italian, Southern, Mexican / Latin American, Mediterranean / Middle Eastern, Asian, French, Barbecue, Indian

Which meal

Breakfast / brunch, Lunch, Cocktail hour / hors d'oeuvres, Dinner, Dessert


Dessert, Cold beverages (non-alcoholic), Cold beverages (alcoholic), Hot beverages (coffee, tea, etc.)

Level of service

Standard (basic ingredients), Premium (high end ingredients)

Event type

Date night, Brunch / dinner party, Holiday meal (Mother's day, Valentine's day, etc.), Shower (baby, bridal, etc.), Special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), Regular meal

Number of guests

1 guest, 2 guests, 3 – 5 guests, 6 – 10 guests, 11 – 20 guests, 21 – 35 guests, 36 – 50 guests

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Services offered

Personal Chef
Pastry Chef Services