Midnite Munchie Co,
My mantra in cooking is I cook your food how I would like my food to be prepared and that is with Love, a bit cliche of course but that has gotten me to the point I am at. I have my culinary degree and I constantly experiment in the kitchen, I have worked offshore cooking for dozens of marines to a couple of mariners at a time. I consider my cuisine Rustic Gourmet. I have been cooking since I was three years old, literally three years old!!! From standing on chairs to stir my grandmother's gumbo to standing on the line at several 4-star fast-casual establishments. My experience in customer service is what takes my culinary expertise to a different level, something about being treated like royalty while also eating a meal that sings to the soul is part of my love for cooking. I enjoy the art and craft that comes with pickling, poaching, and everything that entails 'making from scratch'. My goal in you booking me is to change your previous experiences with flavors and kick it up a notch in the only fashion I know-how, being passionate.
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