Readings By Neikkei Nikki

Readings By Neikkei Nikki

5.0Exceptional(5 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


I love to help my customers with whatever spiritual consultations they need, most of my tarot card/intuitive readings come with a remedy to help with the customers situation if needed, I also love when the customers come to me and tell me of the progress that was made in their reading. I have been doing psychic/intuiteve readings since age 14, I am self taught tarot card readings since that age, I am also clairvoyant a gift I was born with, I am in inherited witch meaning I am a born one from both my parents side generational witch if you will. My main passion is to help those in need who cannot find their way through the darkness and confusion of their life or any situation they may go through, I help guide my customers with the gift I am inherently born with to help them see their way through any given situation.


1 employee
Serves Paterson , NJ
Offers online services

Social media


Number of people

1, 2, A small group

Details of birth

Customers who know the exact date, time & location of birth, Customers who know the approximate time and location, Customers who will get the information before the reading, Customers who will provide their best guess

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Rasheema S.

    Thank you so much for a clear reading. Your energy is warm, sincere, and kind. I look forward to this new adventure.
    ... Show more
    January 22, 2021



    She’s very thorough! She provides her gift with love and compassion!
    ... Show more
    January 18, 2021


    Monique J.

    Always honest and on point.
    ... Show more
    January 13, 2021


    Briony N.

    All very true and spot on except the new love part. I actually recently opened up which I never do about how I felt but was very nicely told it couldnt work...
    ... Show more
    January 11, 2021


    Tonia R.

    She has been such an inspiration. And all she told me thus far has been very accurate. But most of all she helped and guided me towards the strength i needed. I am a forever client/friend.
    ... Show more
    January 10, 2021

    Frequently asked questions

    When I work with new customers, I introduce myself, my client would introduce theirselves, and most of my clients would ask or tell me about a situation/problem that they are experiencing and I will intuitevely pick up what is going on with the clients situation and then use my tarot cards as verification that this is wha is happening in my clients current situation, and if they need to do a ritual, as in most severe situations then I will explain to my client exactly what it is that needs to be done to remedy/help their situation/problem to improve within their life.

    I have no training in reading tarot or any form of divination, I am actually self-taught since age 14 years old. So I have been reading people intuitevely since birth and tarot cards since age 14. Naturally.

    I do have a standard pricing system:

    $30 for 30 minutes

    $40 for 40 minutes

    $60 for 1 hour

    $15 for 4 questions

    $10 for 2 questions

    $40 extra charge for any rituals included with my readings

    I started reading people from all walks of life since age 14, my step-dad introduced me to his friend at a botanica/spiritual supply shop and I use to work their as a cashier and tarot reader for all 4 years of my highschool years, but since age 4 I have been using my intuitive senses to sense entities and different energies, beyond what you could fatham a little child can see, i seen it all and heard it all I am highly clairvoyant as well but i do love reading my tarot cards.

    I work with anybody and anyone who needs my help there is no prejudice or discrimination to my work and my ability of who I work with If someone needs my help I am there for them to help and guide them to correct their situation.

    I am fond of all my events in life mostly when a client comes to me and tells me that my readings were accurate and the spell has worked etc....

    I would tell that customer to use their own discernment when it comes to hiring a professional psychic. 

    Customers should already know what it is that they want to ask a professional psychic, but there are professional psychics like me that do not need a customer to ask a question you can come in or call and the only thing me personally I will tell my customer is the pricing if they dont already know it other than that I dont need the customer to tell me their life story I will pick up in my tarot cards whats going on with the customer and tell the customer how to fix their own situation/problem

    Services offered

    Online Tarot Reading