A Biento

A Biento



Cooking is like breathing I can’t live without it , I’ve been cooking for 10+ years . I’ve worked in a few nominations restaurants , from Louisiana, Caribbean, Italian, French, Indian, Chinese, Korean, and last, but not least all American. I am a person that loves to show people and open their eyes to a new different type of art which would be for me food. That’s the way to your heart. That’s the way you open up and get more in tune to what you like and also put a cherry on the top to the end of your day with the best dish you can imagine. Without food what is life? I’ve went to culinary school in Kingsborough. Community college loves every bit of it. Last, but not least I just want to share the love and happiness when it comes to food.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
2 years in business
Serves Brooklyn , NY

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Apple Pay


Dietary restrictions

Vegetarian or vegan, Dairy intolerant, Kosher, Other dietary restrictions

Meal preparation location

Meal prepared onsite, Meal delivered

Meal preparation frequency

A few times per month, Weekly, Daily

Budget per person

Under $30 (basic), $30 – $40 (basic), $40 – $50, $50 – $75 (mid-range), $75 – $100, More than $100 (premium), Customer is not sure

Cuisine types

American - casual, American - formal, Italian, Southern, Mexican / Latin American, French, Barbecue

Which meal

Breakfast / brunch, Lunch, Dinner


Dessert, Cold beverages (non-alcoholic), Cold beverages (alcoholic), Hot beverages (coffee, tea, etc.)

Level of service

Standard (basic ingredients), Premium (high end ingredients)

Event type

Date night, Brunch / dinner party, Shower (baby, bridal, etc.), Special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), Regular meal

Number of guests

1 guest, 2 guests, 3 – 5 guests, 6 – 10 guests

Photos and videos

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    Services offered

    Personal Chef