Herbs Smoke-N-Roll Barbecue
Hey my name is Herb and I am the owner of Herbs Smoke-N-Roll BBQ we are a small business that makes a big impact on the community.We sell some of the best BBQ in 757 and also cater to your events.So give us a call to place a order or get your event catered.
2 employees
12 years in business
Serves Norfolk , VA
Payment methods
Cash, Venmo, Paypal, Google Pay
Dietary restrictions
Vegetarian or vegan, Gluten free or celiac, Dairy intolerant, Nut allergies, Kosher, Halal, Other dietary restrictions
Meal preparation location
Meal prepared onsite, Meal delivered
Meal preparation frequency
Monthly, A few times per month, Weekly, A few times per week, Daily
Budget per person
Under $30 (basic), $30 – $40 (basic), $40 – $50, $50 – $75 (mid-range), Customer is not sure
Cuisine types
American - casual, American - formal, Southern, Barbecue
Which meal
Lunch, Cocktail hour / hors d'oeuvres, Dinner, Dessert
Dessert, Cold beverages (non-alcoholic), Hot beverages (coffee, tea, etc.)
Level of service
Standard (basic ingredients), Premium (high end ingredients)
Event type
Date night, Brunch / dinner party, Holiday meal (Mother's day, Valentine's day, etc.), Shower (baby, bridal, etc.), Special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), Regular meal
Number of guests
1 guest, 2 guests, 3 – 5 guests, 6 – 10 guests, 11 – 20 guests, 21 – 35 guests, 36 – 50 guests
Photos and videos
No reviews (yet)
Ask this vendor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Services offered
Personal Chef
Event Help And Wait Staff
Candy Buffet Services
Food Truck Or Cart Services