Lem Gonsalves

Lem Gonsalves



As an accomplished writer and poet, I'm able to personalize my wedding officiating to make it special for the bride and groom. I am also willing to travel directly to my clients amd can be flexible to adjust to what it is they are looking for

I enjoy seeing two people who have met each other and over time, have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. Being able to be an integral part of that definitey gives me great joy and makes me want to do my very best


1 employee
8 years in business
Serves Valley Glen , CA

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Frequently asked questions

I find out exactly what it is they are looking for so I can properly serve them. Usually a phone conversation at first and an in-person meeting if needed

I've been an ordained minister for over 25 years. I've also officiated many weddings during that time

My base price is $300. That's a local wedding to cover a basic ceremony. I'm a writer and professional poet so I can add a personalized touch to your ceremony itself as well as help with vows if needed. I can make it a one-of-a-kind officiation 

A good friend of mine asked me to officiate her wedding and then I just started to do it professionally after that

Services offered

Wedding Officiant