Lovelytreetz Cafe

Lovelytreetz Cafe



Lovelytreetz Café is a Southeast DC-based catering business dedicated to serving organic, all-natural Southern comfort food with a modern twist. Founded by Chef Brianna, a certified food safety manager with a passion for quality and authenticity, Lovelytreetz Café creates memorable dining experiences that blend tradition with innovation. Our menu celebrates the soulful flavors of the South while prioritizing wholesome, natural ingredients. Signature offerings include Grandma’s famous mini square pound cakes—baked to perfection and full of nostalgia. Whether it’s a cozy family gathering or an upscale event, Lovelytreetz Café delivers personalized service and exceptional cuisine that warms the heart and nourishes the soul.


1 employee
3 years in business
Serves Washington , DC

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Apple Pay, Zelle

Social media


Dietary restrictions

Vegetarian or vegan, Gluten free or celiac, Dairy intolerant, Nut allergies, Other dietary restrictions

Meal preparation location

Meal prepared onsite, Meal delivered

Meal preparation frequency

Only once, Monthly, A few times per month, Weekly, A few times per week, Daily, A few times per day

Budget per person

Under $30 (basic), $30 – $40 (basic), $40 – $50, $50 – $75 (mid-range), $75 – $100, More than $100 (premium)

Cuisine types

American - casual, American - formal, Southern, Asian, Barbecue

Which meal

Breakfast / brunch, Lunch, Cocktail hour / hors d'oeuvres, Dinner, Dessert



Level of service

Standard (basic ingredients), Premium (high end ingredients)

Event type

Date night, Brunch / dinner party, Holiday meal (Mother's day, Valentine's day, etc.), Shower (baby, bridal, etc.), Special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), Regular meal

Number of guests

1 guest, 2 guests, 3 – 5 guests, 6 – 10 guests, 11 – 20 guests, 21 – 35 guests, 36 – 50 guests

Photos and videos

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    Services offered

    Personal Chef
    Pastry Chef Services