Chosen For Him International Ministries
Christian Only - or at least those that incorporate God into the ceremony. It is not my wedding - it's yours. So, the ceremony can be as "religious" as the couple wants.
Discounts on marriage license with counseling (pre & post-ceremony).
Flexible pricing where it is helpful, but strict in not "surprizing" where it is not appreciated (or wanted).
Weddings are not a "gig" or side business or something I started doing because I had a family member in need. Having the opportunity to be involved at any level of God's service is beyond a thrill for me, but with weddings, it has a special value because of the commitment that I am making to the couple and the commitment they are making to each other. I take both of these very serious, but to the point where we cannot recognize the joys of the wonderful and timelessness that comes with love. And it can be a whole of fun too.
The "intensity" of Christianity is determined by the couple, not me. I am to reflect their values and beliefs, not dictate or brow-beat any doctrine or ideas into their heads (or hearts). I do have limits, but who does not have limits? I do not take control or make demands. I am here to serve.
Whether it is in the scared architecture of a man-made building (i.e. a church building, hotel ballroom, or other amazing structure) or the grandness that is experienced on the beach, city park gazebo, or everywhere outdoors - all are a beautiful way to celebrate through a ceremony like these.
I learned about weddings from three sources; (1.) Being the janitor of a church in my youth gave me exposure to what was wanted, what was needed, and what actually came about in every aspect of a ceremony. (2.) I have been to Christian seminary (for degrees in Christian ministry) that have taught me the formalities and denominational distinctiveness associated with weddings. (3.) The couples I have officiated over have taught me things that books and third-party observation could never provide.
In the over 48 years of being involved with weddings in one way or another, I am always learning and growing in what it takes to provide exactly what the couple wants and needs.
Thank you for the opportunity to be in your service.
Payment methods
Ceremony type
Service type / affiliation
Number of guests
Need help writing vows
Ceremony language(s)
Officiant needed at rehearsal
Photos and videos

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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
I send the couple some forms that give me basic information about themselves . Once those forms are returned, we talk (often) to get to know each other and make sure is the ceremony they want.
I include with the "forms" (for free) some samples of vows they may want to use. They can be used "as is" or personalized. We will discuss which set of vows they would like to use.
As we get closer to the big day, I create and send to the couple an "Order of Service" that shows what and who will be doing what during the ceremony. This is to help us all be on the same page, and is completely negotiable.
Pre-marital couseling available at no extra charge. I am authorized by the State of Florida to provide pre-marital counseling, which can get the couple a $25 discount on their marriage license. I am also able to help after the wedding in family matters of almost any kind.
Once the forms are recieved, I am available whenever the couple (together or individually) needs me. I am here to help or stay out of the way - whatever they need me to be.
I serve as Wedding Officiant for couples who are;
First-time married (both or one or the other) - young or young at heart
Divorced and are re-marrying (with or without kids)
Pregnant brides
Dying spouse to be
Long time friends that now want to "make it legal"
Currently living together
Renewal of Vows
I do not imitate or mimic the traditions of Roman Catholicism, Judaism, or any other non-Protestant based religious belief system. There are many sacraments known in Catholicism and or Judaism that are similar and can be done through the Protestant approach. I refuse participate or have any part of a ceremony that does not agree with the expressed or implied teachings, decrees, or ideas found in the Canon of Holy Scriptures (a.k.a. 66 Books of The Holy Bible).
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Active church ministry since 1975 and Church ordained since 1982. In full time Christian service now.
Weddings are not a "gig" or side business or something I started doing because I had a family member in need. Having the opportunity to be involved at any level of God's service is beyond a thrill for me, but with weddings, it has a special value because of the commitment that I am making to the couple and the commitment they are making to each other. I take both of these very serious, but to the point where we cannot recognize the joys of the wonderful and timelessness that comes with love. And it can be a whole of fun too.
The "intensity" of Christianity is determined by the couple, not me. I am to reflect their values and beliefs, not dictate or brow-beat any doctrine or ideas into their heads (or hearts). I do have limits, but who does not have limits? I do not take control or make demands. I am here to serve.
Whether it is in the scared architecture of a man-made building (i.e. a church building, hotel ballroom, or other amazing structure) or the grandness that is experienced on the beach, city park gazebo, or everywhere outdoors - all are a beautiful way to celebrate through a ceremony like these.
I learned about weddings from three sources; (1.) Being the janitor of a church in my youth gave me exposure to what was wanted, what was needed, and what actually came about in every aspect of a ceremony. (2.) I have been to Christian seminary (for degrees in Christian ministry) that have taught me the formalities and denominational distinctiveness associated with weddings. (3.) The couples I have officiated over have taught me things that books and third-party observation could never provide.
In the over 48 years of being involved with weddings in one way or another, I am always learning and growing in what it takes to provide exactly what the couple wants and needs.
Thank you for the opportunity to be in your service.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
$350 - Flat Rate and my Only Rate. That includes everything (pre-martial counseling , vows, rehearsal, ceremony, and anything I am forgetting). BUT Please! Do not let price determine your choice. I am flexible when it comes to what I charge. Let's talk before you decide based on price.
If the couple wants to give me a tip (bonus), I will say no BUT I will also never demand it.
It's NOT about the money. I do not "perform" weddings;
I serve God and His people.
How did you get started in this business?
In my youth, I was VERY involved in my church. It got to the point when the janitor was no longer physically able to do his job, I got the job. More than that, I knew I had the calling from God to be in His service.
So, I learned by being there and doing as needed.
This is not "a business" as much as it is an opportunity to be in God's service. I do not approach any wedding as a way to make money or bring attention to myself or my beliefs, but rather show and do the love of God to all who are in need.
What types of customers have you worked with?
Very young (barely 16 - the legal age (without parental permission).
Very young at heart (76 years young).
He had 2 kids and she had 3, and since the wedding, they have had a couple of more.
He has been divorced twice and she has been divorced three times - and they are living together up and to the wedding.
Very much sure of what they want (and don't want) type couples (or bride or groom).
A very strong-willed Mother of the Bride/Groom "calling the shots.
One or both are scared out of their minds.
Very well off and very generous with money and everything.
Super serious.
Super silly.
The couple was fighting (verbally) before, during, and after the ceremony. The had/have issues (and I am counseling them - both).
The Bride was going to pop at any moment (deliver the baby). She did, shortly after the ceremony.
The Bride/Groom died shortly after doing the ceremony (and I was the Chaplain for that too).
Strong (almost obnoxious type) Christians.
People who never been to church.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
Quite often, the weather changes from nasty to beautiful.
On the beach sunrise weddings are only out done by sunset weddings.
The little barely 2 year old carrying a sign down the aisle "Her comes the bride" and hogging the cameras.
The Groom crying as he gives his vows.
Being asked to dedicate to God and to be the godfather of a child born after the couple gets married.
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
Think about what you like about weddings you have been to or seen. You may not know what something is called or how to get it done, but do not let that hold you back. Don't let money or anything keep you from wanting and doing what you want. All things are possible. You just need to know who to look to. At the same time, don't think that a notary or some other kind of cheap "wannabe" is appropriate for such an important event in your lives together.
There are so many officiants that are doing this as a second career. They got started when a family member was in a pinch, or their natual abilities to do public speaking or do fancy things is really a worthy choice.
The best is here - and available for you.
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
What is this wedding for? What are you conveying to each other in and through the marriage ceremony? What are you saying to others about the choices you are demonstrating to others?
Who is this wedding for? Do you like traditions or modern ideas? or both? How do you want to remember your wedding day?
Is whoever is doing whatever for you both doing it for you or for themselves? That is a question that goes beyond the wedding.
Is there anything else I can do to help you?
Father God, Bless and Keep your children as only you can. Give them the courage and wisdom to make the hard decisions and give them the peace and love to follow through on what they decided.
Be obvious, be impactful, and most of all, be fully involved in everything they put their hand to.
To you be the glory - now and always.
Amen and Amen.