I have been in Ministry , as an Ordained Pastor over 35 Years; Pastorial, and COUNSELING for over 40 years.
We are State Certified as Reconized Marital Officiants. Yet (We) bring a fresh , Fun, Christian perspective to any Couple. As additional Services ; I provide 6-8 week New Couples Pre Marital COUNSELING. And 4 month Post Marital Counseling.
We can do everything fron Planing to Reception Services. And can Travel from Jacksonville to Miami ( and other Areas).
We Also have a network of Ordained Ministers throughout the Florida, Georgia, and South- North Carolina Regions. Male and Female Officiant available.
Ministry is believing that God Ordained and Blesses Family Unity. I enjoy all aspect of my Family, Husband, Children, Grandchildren ; and My Spiritual Family, Partners and Friends that I am blessed to impact and Partner in their Lives as they Grow in Spiritual Understanding. I enjoy Preaching, Teaching, Singing And Eating Great Food. Traveling and Experiencing Good Clean Fun. And Cooking awesome meals. Seeing People Grow in lifestyle and expectations of success is always my goal; to teach others about Kingdom Living and Success is my Joy. "Let's Share a meal and Talk Success is a motto of Mindset for me. And creating knowledge Infusions (to be better) in others causes me to Dream Big for myself and Everyone I meet."
Dr. J.G. Rice -The Chief Apostle IGACCW #chiefapostlerice
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Need help writing vows
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Officiant needed at rehearsal
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John J.
Beatrice Y.
Donald F.
Stephanie L.
Ara- B.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
First Phone Interview from that step we will see if we can Help this Customer. It all starts with Phone Call number one. !
Number 2 it is recommended that each Client should attend at least one Pre Marital Counseling Session a 60 minute session to help you Understand The 5 valuable Aspect of Marriage and the 4 Principle Covenants of A Christian Kingdom Marriage and WHY applying these 9 Core Principles of Marital Foundation will Bless your Home.
Thirdly you may continue with a 6-8 week of Pre Marital Counseling and After you are Married ; An awesome 4 week Post Marital Class and Mentoring Session has been Designed for you. " The 3 Fold Cord...of Marital Success". Winning Marriages Surviving the Kings Way".
As You can See we have your Family Success in Mind... " If you Invest ( IN YOUR MARRIAGE) GOD WILL DO THE REST (IN YOUR MARRIAGE) !
Becoming ONE is not Easy but we can show you a pattern and a path to help you Succeed!
Dr. J.G.Rice- Senior Pastor/Life Coach Bishop James Rice Life Coach/Pastor
Kingdom Leaders & Mentors