Lolas Delectable Foods
Hi I’m Lola
I grew up down south where cooking was all we did. It started when I was a kid I’d go to my Grammy house and she would always be making some type of cake. I’d always help her make it from start to finish and oh the she decorated them, I was in love with the art of how intricate she was in everything she did involving cooking. It was at that moment I fell in love with cooking . From then on that’s all I cared about all I thought about I would watch shows and write down the recipes and they to create them the exact same way it was presented I became obsessed with perfecting my craft.
I went to The Art Institute Chicago Culinary program where I took up Pastry, Cooking all types of food .
Year after graduation I started working on my own catering service that’s I’ve had for 13 years now .
What I love most about being a Chef is bringing smiles to my clients faces. The way they look and react to the food that I’ve prepared for them just makes me warm inside and so happy and makes it worth it all.