Ladd Family Catering

Ladd Family Catering



I have over 20 years of restaurant experience mostly B.O.H I have done everything from prep cook .line cook saute chef .pantry chef sous chef and executive chef I have a real good attention to detail very organized and definitely like to challenge myself I take my task very serious and make sure the job is done right


2 employees
6 years in business
Serves Minneapolis , MN


Dietary restrictions

Vegetarian or vegan, Gluten free or celiac, Dairy intolerant, Nut allergies, Kosher, Halal, Other dietary restrictions

Meal preparation location

Meal prepared onsite, Meal delivered

Meal preparation frequency

Only once, Monthly, A few times per month, Weekly, A few times per week, Daily, A few times per day

Budget per person

Customer is not sure

Cuisine types

American - casual, American - formal, Italian, Southern, Mexican / Latin American, Mediterranean / Middle Eastern, Asian, French, Barbecue, Indian

Which meal

Breakfast / brunch, Lunch, Cocktail hour / hors d'oeuvres, Dinner, Dessert

Level of service

Standard (basic ingredients), Premium (high end ingredients)

Event type

Date night, Brunch / dinner party, Holiday meal (Mother's day, Valentine's day, etc.), Shower (baby, bridal, etc.), Special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), Regular meal

Number of guests

1 guest, 2 guests, 3 – 5 guests, 6 – 10 guests, 11 – 20 guests, 21 – 35 guests, 36 – 50 guests

Photos and videos

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    Services offered

    Personal Chef
    Event Help And Wait Staff
    Candy Buffet Services
    Food Truck Or Cart Services
    Pastry Chef Services