We operate a small minister ministry. We look to help you with your wedding by being a laid back appraoch to assist wherever you need. We can be as involved or not involved as you are comfortable. We want to make sure you enjoy your amazing day!
Watching others have that joy of marriage and spark in their eye reminds us of when we were married. Being a part of that special day brings joy to our lives. We are here to help you out.
Ceremony type
Wedding, Elopement, Commitment ceremony, Vow renewal
Service type / affiliation
Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Interfaith, Non-denominational (mentions God), Non-religious (no mention of God)
Number of guests
20 guests or fewer, 21 – 50 guests, 51 – 100 guests, 101 – 150 guests, 151 – 200 guests, 201 – 300 guests
Need help writing vows
I can work with couples who need help writing vows, I can work with couples who do not need help writing vows
Ceremony language(s)
English, Spanish
Officiant needed at rehearsal
I can attend rehearsals, I do not need to attend rehearsals
0 reviews
tyler C.
He was excellent and efficient and did everything my wife And I were very satisfied with his work. I appreciate him and I would definitely recommend him to any one wanting him to officiate thier wedding.
April 29, 2024
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Getting to know what you want in your special day is the utmost importance. I can not provide any value, if I do not know what you find vauable and important.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have a B.S. in Religion, and working on my Masters of Divinity currently.
Services offered
Wedding Invitations
Wedding Officiant
Wedding Planning
Event Planning