Kevin Johns
I have been ordained since 2010. I performed my first wedding that same year. I have performed weddings as motorcycle ride-ins (which I no longer do), backyard services, banquets, I even have performed a service on a pontoon boat in the middle of a lake. Additionally, I perform house blessings, business blessings and various other services.
1 employee
15 years in business
Serves Kenosha , WI
Ceremony type
Wedding, Elopement, Commitment ceremony, Vow renewal
Service type / affiliation
Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Interfaith, Non-denominational (mentions God), Non-religious (no mention of God)
Number of guests
20 guests or fewer, 21 – 50 guests, 51 – 100 guests, 101 – 150 guests, 151 – 200 guests, 201 – 300 guests
Need help writing vows
I can work with couples who need help writing vows, I can work with couples who do not need help writing vows
Ceremony language(s)
Officiant needed at rehearsal
I can attend rehearsals
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Services offered
Wedding Officiant