My business stand out to me because when I was a little kid I use to always be in the kitchen while my grandmother’s was in there cooking for every holiday, I was not only in there to taste the food but to also learn how to cook , to see what seasons go good with each other. Being in the kitchen with my grandmother’s Motivated me to move forward with my cooking an getting a degree and opening up my own business. That will also be how my business got its name because if it were not for my grandmother’s I would have never made this far.
I enjoy the feeling people get when they taste my food like a burst of different flavor running threw your mouth in it's a blessing to me that I'm able to do that
Payment methods
Dietary restrictions
Meal preparation location
Meal preparation frequency
Budget per person
Cuisine types
Which meal
Level of service
Event type
Number of guests
Photos and videos
Greg C.
Anangelica A.
Delcita S.
Shaquita P.
Frequently asked questions
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have my degree in culinary Arts and right now I work at cheesecake factory
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
First I need to see what food they have in mind for the event in then I need there budget then we go from there
How did you get started in this business?
Just doing dinner sales in building a brand for myself so people can taste my food in enjoy it