Jim Holtan Media

Jim Holtan Media

Offers online services
Offers online services


At Jim Holtan Media, we offer you excellence in communicating your message through the visual and the written word. Communication is the most important element when selecting a partner. At Jim Holtan Media we carefully go over your project with you to ensure we’re putting the most effective plan in place.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
13 years in business
Serves Oakland , CA
Offers online services


Nature type

Landscape, People, Plants, Animal / wildlife

Photos for

Portraits (engagement, maternity, family, etc.), Website photos, Editorial use, Print or catalog advertising, Large display prints (e.g. trade shows)

Total final shots needed

Customer wants 1 – 5 final, edited shots, Customer wants 6 – 10 final, edited shots, Customer wants 11 – 15 final, edited shots, Customer wants 16 – 20 final, edited shots, Customer wants 21 – 30 final, edited shots, Customer wants 31 – 50 final, edited shots, Customer would like pro's recommendation

Photo formats

Digital or online download, CD / DVD, Flash drive, Physical proofs and prints


Under $125 (typically for brief photoshoots), $125 - $200 (typically for brief photoshoots), $200 - $300, $300 - $400, $400 - $500, $500 - $750, More than $750, Customer is not sure

No reviews (yet)

Ask this vendor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

I begin with a complimentary phone conversation, or face-to-face meeting where we go over your needs and discuss the best way to meet them. We then set up a plan that all agree upon.

Photoshop World, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Adobe Max, 2018

Canon In Action, 2014

Lynda.com ongoing training

Services offered

Video Editing
Aerial Photography
Real Estate Photography
Nature Photography
Sports Photography
Commercial Photography
Event Photography
Event Videography
Business Photography
Video Production