MY Bar B Que Mobile Catering

MY Bar B Que Mobile Catering



We have served both the LA and Inland Empire area for more than 15 years with the best ribs and chicken meals in the world. Our passion for cooking BBQ and other traditional dishes have been Bar none and stands out among the rest. Service and quality is always above board and we strive to make our customers very happy and satisfied.

Seeing the smiles and the enthusiasm on my customers faces each time they experience our food.


5 employees
17 years in business
Serves Victorville , CA

Social media


Ceremony type

Wedding, Vow renewal

Service type / affiliation

Christian, Non-denominational (mentions God), Non-religious (no mention of God)

Number of guests

20 guests or fewer, 21 – 50 guests, 51 – 100 guests, 101 – 150 guests, 151 – 200 guests, 201 – 300 guests

Need help writing vows

I can work with couples who need help writing vows, I can work with couples who do not need help writing vows

Ceremony language(s)


Officiant needed at rehearsal

I can attend rehearsals

Photos and videos

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    Ask this vendor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    We like to engage in positive conversations with our customers to find out what their needs are to provide the quality service they desire and deserve. 

    We have been in the culinary business for over 30 years and publicly have held our business for the last fifteen years. We serve both grilled and home cooked traditional foods and are able to create special food at customers request. 

    We generally calculate our price with respect to market price of meats and produce which are usually your main and more expensive items, then we look at the overall budget that fits the customers needs and their guests.

    Services offered

    Wedding Officiant