We’re the best
Our ultimate objective is to create the highest quality images in the most convenient and expedient fashion. We have the experience of managing thou- sands of images for a variety of clients, yet at the same time establishing a distinct and customized process for each company’s individual needs.
While “at home” in the studio, we are equally comfortable with location photography and travel extensively for various advertising agencies, Resorts & Hotels, PR firms, and corporate, publishing and architectural clientele.
Our goal is to offer our clients the finest quality work, creative solutions, and personalized service in the field of photography, video and video editing through digital imaging. As technology changes our industry, we are there on the forefront researching alternatives that will best address our clients’ requirements. We at Keith Douglas Productions are excited about where we are now and where we will be in the future. It is this future that we would like to share with you
Property type
Approximate square footage
Drone photography needed
Number of properties
Photo type
Photos and videos

Heiko D.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
We will give you an estiamte for your project, once set I will give you outstanding images for you project
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Gard of the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale 1978
44 Years as a award winning commercial Photographer