Infinity Photographic Productions, Inc.
"If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life." I haven't had a job since 1981! I own a business which I love. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to be able to do everything I want to. Photography and cinematography is my life, professionally and personally. I shoot everyday, I am in LightRoom Photoshop or Final cut almost everyday. For my own edification, I seek dramatic light and color. For my Clients, I continuously ask myself, "How can I make an image that will convey what their client will get in 3 seconds? I am committed to helping my clients business' generate as much Revenue as they possibly can and explore other arenas to create multiple streams of income....
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Frequently asked questions
How did you get started in this business?
When I was 7 years old, my father a Chemical Engineer and Photographer developed a roll of 35mm with me...my life and destiny changed on that day! When I was 14, I spent a day with a Commercial, Industrial Photographer in NY City. I learned more in 1 day than 7 years on my own. I eventually apprenticed to John Kronenberger for 2 years in New York Cit and then attended RIT, the finest school of photography in the world. I studied under Nile Root, who was a disciple of Minor White, a contemporary of Ansel Adams; who I met in 1976. In 1978 I moved to Arizona and worked as chief cinematographer for an NBC affiliate shooting Commercials and documentaries: My work is Archived at the University of Northern Arizona.