Hi! My name is Jennifer Featherly, I am a photographer and the owner of the J.Featherly_Photography business. I am a deaf lady, and I can do as a photographer and travel anywhere in Illinois to take pictures to the best ability. I can work on any communication means with any clients as long as I am comfortable.
My Core values:
why am I a wedding photographer? Because I like to learn the challenges in the work. I do like to work hard to make wedding pictures as beautiful as much as you want... I am interested to work on wedding pictures that make me feel smile/loved to see the couples... My niche for taking photographs is babies, pets, nature, family, weddings, portraits, prestige, and travel for photography jobs. My dream wish is for the clients/people to be happy or excited about the photographs that I take. I would love to work in a general photography job with my happy and loved mood, and act in a good faith and of course, the same thing for the wedding too! I can offer a happy smile, For example, if someone or people are in no mood then I will give silly looks and make clients laugh and smile :-) and of course, I always make sure that they feel comfortable and relaxed... I am kind of behind in my own business because I focus on my current full-time work for the Lifetouch company during certain periods. I am trying to find time on working on my business I know it is not easy to do this but of course, I am trying to do my best to work with you on meeting your scheduled time to take photographs of you and etc.
My vision Statement:
Right now, I am doing my part-time business for now til I feel ready to become a full time maybe next 2 to 4 years. I would like to work for the wedding with one client or more only at a certain venue. When I have free time then I will be editing the pictures and get it to be ready for posting online so that you can see the views of the photographs... Over 5 years, people have asked me to be their photographer as part of my learning experience and improving my skills, of course, I would eager to learn more to make my own business looks better for the future and challenge! My future vision goal is I know what I will do to manage my business to make wonderful photographs with good knowledge without errors or issues.
My Mission Statement:
I am currently working for the company Lifetouch Photography for school only. I am understanding the fundamental values that the Lifetouch Photography business gave me. This company's philosophy is enhancing the skills that I already learned for my own business and also, I do understand well about their policy about work ethics working with this company keeps me motivated for using my business and I am using my photography skills.
My Strengths:
My eager to find something cool to see interesting backgrounds and enjoyed doing take pictures. I am still working to improve my work to make beautiful photographs and make myself proud for doing my job and enjoyed having fun taking pictures and even making an environment unique fun and good positive! The important goal is finding a good view, expressive, positive, etc for photographs.
Below is an outline of my photography experience and history!
* graduated high School w/studies in Photography and Yearbook
* college w/ 3 certificates in Photographic Imaging
* working with Lifetouch company of photographers for school yearbook/prestige of students/staff
* J.Featherly_Photography business
My personal life:
I do love my sweet dog, his name is Jack and he is a such sweet boy, I recused him! Also, I am enjoyed doing crafts, especially yarns which I enjoy most.