Pivot Studio
Hello, I'm Viviana, a seasoned photographer with 6 years of experience capturing moments that last a lifetime. Specializing in portraits, elopements, birthdays, and private events, my passion lies in freezing cherished memories in time. From the intimate to the celebratory, I bring a unique blend of creativity and expertise to every shoot. Additionally, my skills extend to product and business photography, ensuring that your brand's essence is beautifully showcased. Let me frame your memories and tell your story through the lens.
Indoors, Outdoors
Event type
Wedding, Birthday party, Corporate event, Bridal or baby shower, Prom or formal, Reunion, Concert, Religious event, Graduation, School event, Sporting event, Other
$250 – $500 (typically for very brief events, not weddings), $500 – $1,000, $1,000 – $1,500, $1,500 – $2,000, $2,000 – $2,500, $2,500 – $3,000, $3,000 – $5,000, More than $5,000
Guest count
25 guests or fewer, 26 – 50 guests, 51 – 100 guests, 101 – 150 guests
Delivery format
Digital or online download, Flash drive, Physical proofs or prints
Photos and videos
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Ask this vendor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Services offered
Portrait Photography
Commercial Photography
Headshot Photography
Event Photography
Engagement Photography
Business Photography