James F Carr
I have been a professional photographer and retoucher for 15 years, but my love for photography was inspired by hours spent in the darkroom with my grandfather as a child. Most of my commercial work has involved studio portraits and headshots for bands and musicians, environmental portraits for families and individuals, and event photography for private and public events, as well as concerts. I am also an avid landscape and architecture photographer with a deep interest in architectural portraits.
Indoors, Outdoors
Event type
Birthday party, Corporate event, Prom or formal, Reunion, Concert, Religious event, Graduation, School event, Sporting event, Other
Under $250 (typically for very brief events, not weddings), $250 – $500 (typically for very brief events, not weddings), $500 – $1,000, $1,000 – $1,500, $1,500 – $2,000, $2,000 – $2,500, $2,500 – $3,000, $3,000 – $5,000, More than $5,000, Customer isn't sure about budget
Guest count
25 guests or fewer, 26 – 50 guests, 51 – 100 guests, 101 – 150 guests, 151 – 200 guests, 201 – 300 guests
Delivery format
Digital or online download, Flash drive, Physical proofs or prints
Photos and videos
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Services offered
Portrait Photography
Real Estate Photography
Nature Photography
Event Photography
Photo Editing