LC Photographers


I'm a photojournalist from a past life who is now a full time photographer devoted to focusing on capturing the moments that matter. I help families tell their stories for generations to come.


8 employees
23 years in business
Serves Katy , TX

Social media


Type of sport

Basketball, Baseball, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Martial arts, Tennis, Track and field, Soccer, Swimming, Dance

Location type

Indoors, Outdoors

Athlete age

Adult, College, High School, Middle School, Elementary School

Types of shot(s) needed

Individual, Individual action shot, Team / group, Team / group action shot

Photos usage

Personal use, Editorial use, Print or catalog advertising, Website

Total final shots needed

1 – 10 shots, 11 – 20 shots, 21 – 30 shots, 31 – 50 shots, 51 – 75 shots, 76 – 100 shots, 101 – 120 shots, As recommended by the professional


$150 – $250, $250 – $350, $350 – $500, $500 – $750, $750 – $1,000, More than $1,000, Customer is not sure

Photo formats

Digital or online download, CD / DVD, Flash drive, Physical proofs and prints


0 reviews


Michelle A.

She takes man, many shots to be sure and capture exactly what you want. She works wonders with lighting and can work wonders with groups using digital technology.
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December 16, 2019


Melissa G.

She worked at really creating a personal experience when she took pictures of my son. She really captured his personality because of this. By chance my daughter was home and she included her in some shots. One of those is my favorite picture of these two children.
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December 15, 2019


Laura D.

Professional and passionate! I used to think you pay photographers for their time, but Ive come to realize that if you want truly great pictures you can appreciate for years to come then youll want to ensure you find a professional with the experience and passion Laura has. She can work with lights, angles, colors, shadows, etc... But she also knows how to guide and direct the shoot to make you feel relaxed and confident, as well happy and authentic... and all of that comes through in the finished product for sure!!
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December 15, 2019


Candice L.

Laura - has a way of capturing the essence of her subject and makes them feel relaxed. My favorite photos of my two daughters have been taken by LC Photographers.
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December 15, 2019


Liz J.

Laura shot several covers of our Magazine for us, as well as photos from the story. She’s exceptional and very talented. In addition, her family and senior portraits are amazing! I know several of her clients who have been using her for years as their family photographer and they always rave about her work.
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December 15, 2019


Sandy R.

Laura is not only friendly and talented, she listens. She took our engagement and wedding photos. We met before the ceremony to discuss shots I would like to see. Laura captured them all. She is absolutely wonderful to work with.
... Show more
December 15, 2019

Services offered

Boudoir Photography
Photo Booth Rental
Portrait Photography
Real Estate Photography
Sports Photography
Commercial Photography
Headshot Photography
Event Photography
Engagement Photography
Event Videography
Business Photography