The Bakers’ Lounge

The Bakers’ Lounge



We are a British inspired bake shop based in Washington DC, we specialize in Canope’s cakes, and tarts. We are an extension of a company that dates back to the 60’s, we were established in 2012.


6 employees
13 years in business
Serves Washington , DC

Photos and videos

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    Ask this vendor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    Generally get an idea of what the event is, wether or not they have a menu or are we costomising the menu .

    once we’ve established the above, then we schedule a tasting. After the tasting, we proceed with finilazing our contracts and then the work commence. 

    Over 20 years in the business 

    After years of always volunteering to make the Canopes and Desserts, it was time to turn into a professional business. 

    A variety of caliber. 

    High Tea Baby shower

    Be open minded and flexible.

    Their budget

    Services offered

    Wedding Cakes
    Personal Chef
    Candy Buffet Services
    Pastry Chef Services