Chef Gerald is an accomplished Chef with over 30 years of Fine Dining, Contract Foodservice Management, Concessions, food production, product implementation, catering expertise in multiple cuisines, i.e "New American" French, African, Italian Nuevo, just to name a few, and a proven track record of successful catering service for multiple client cultures and cuisines
Gerald formed in 2019 NASIMO FOOD PROJECT LLC as Chef Proprietor. He has a wonderful personality he is very accommodating, considerate and willing to share his culinary insight and knowledge with others. And a former high school culinary art instructor.
3 employees
6 years in business
Serves Washington , DC
Event type
Wedding, Birthday, School event, Corporate / office event, Graduation, General entertainment / party
Candy type(s)
Chocolates, Confectionery, Gummy, Color themed, Ice cream, Baked (e.g., cake pops)
Level of service
$ (Basic), $$ (Standard), $$$ (Premium)
Number of guests
25 guests or fewer, 26 – 50 guests, 51 – 100 guests, 101 – 150 guests, 151 – 200 guests, 201 – 250 guests
Photos and videos
No reviews (yet)
Ask this vendor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.
Services offered
Personal Chef
Event Help And Wait Staff
Candy Buffet Services